Friday, April 10, 2009


Poor children are exposed to more second hand smoke than their wealthier counterparts. This is based on a new study as according to the study author Dr. Michael Weitzman, a professor of pediatrics at New York University.

A big reason for this is that "poor kids are far more likely to live with multiple adults smokers than are non poor kids" .

Children exposed to second hand smoke are more likely to develop respiratory infections, earaches, and severe asthma. Some studies have also linked exposure to second hand smoke to hyperactivity disorder and behavioral problems. (source: Sunstar Daily, 4/8/09 Issue, B2)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

GUMS DISEASE AND AIDS VIRUS reported that good dental health may help prevent acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). This is according to the result from Japanese researchers.

The link could be attributed to periodental, or gum. The researchers found that perodontitis-causing P.gingivalis bacteria can trigger a pathway that causes reactivation of latent human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1, the virus that causes AIDS. As noted, the P.gingivalis is among the most widely existent bacteria worldwide.

As a background information on the report, it is emphasize that good oral hygiene and controlling oral disease should be done to prevent AIDS.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Depression Bad For The Heart

A recent publication from the Associated Press showed that severe depression may silently break a seemingly healthy woman's heart. Long before, it is known that depression is common after a stroke or heart attack and these can worsen the outcome.

Researches from Columbia University reported new evidence that depression can lead to heart disease in the first place.

The Journal of American College of Cardiology, recently published that depressed women were more than likely to experience sudden cardiac death.

Perhaps the rational explanation to this is: Depression can make people do a worse job taking care of themselves.

The American Heart Association just last year recommended that everyone who already has a heart disease be regularly screened for depression.